im体育APP的无损检测(NDT)和检验服务可帮助您确保产品在使用过程中的完整性和可靠性,并在评估产品时节省您的时间和金钱, troubleshooting, or carrying out research.
What is non-destructive testing (NDT)?
无损检测涵盖了一组广泛的技术,用于评估材料的性质, 组件, 组装, 部分, 产品, 焊接, 或系统, 不实质性地影响在测试程序下被检查或调查的单元的完整性.
Non-destructive testing services
我们提供的无损检测服务方法符合各种im体育平台app下载标准, unique customer requirements, government contracts, and military specifications. We serve many sectors and can test metallic and composite materials 从板材、板材、棒材、管材等原材料到单机组件.
We use ASNT Central 认证 Program (ACCP), SNT-TC-1A certified technicians, 和认证焊接检验员(cwi)提供全方位的无损检测服务. 我们的专家为客户提供从材料分析或产品资格测试到质量保证和审计计划的各种项目.
Non-destructive testing methods
We provide a full suite of NDT methods, including, but not limited to:
- Radiographic testing
- Digital radiography
- Computed tomography
- Eddy current testing (ET)
- Liquid penetrant testing (LPI - fluorescent & 颜色)
- Magnetic 部分icle inspection (MPI)
- Dimensional inspection
- Visual inspection
- Ultrasonic testing and inspection services
- Weld inspection services
- Surface roughness testing with optical profilometry
- Acoustic Emission (AE) testing
- 泄漏测试
- Infrared Thermography
- Video Borescope 检查
- Linear Accelerator (LINAC) 测试
The im体育APP advantage
在im体育APP, we have unrivaled expertise in testing; our personnel are highly trained and experienced, holding certification from Levels 1 - 3 across recognized schemes, including SNT-TC-1-A (ASNT), Iso 9712 PCN, Bs en 4179, NAS 410.
Contact our experts 了解更多关于我们的无损检测(NDT)测试和检验服务,或 request a quote 今天.
“Excellent service !”
SWP Hydraulics Ltd
Non-Destructive 测试 (NDT)
From nuclear reactors to bridges and aircraft fuselage, 我们的无损检测服务保证在组件投入使用之前满足法规标准. im体育APP uses NDT to determine cracks, 疏, 焊接ing defects, and material properties on-site, 攷虑, and in our laboratories.
As a leader in NDT services, im体育APP利用世界上最先进的测试能力和专业知识来帮助我们的客户改变我们生活的世界.
The Benefits of Immersion Ultrasonic 检查 of Composites
im体育官方app下载White Paper: Ultrasonic Phased Array 测试
超声波检测(UT)是一种利用声波检测零件和材料的裂纹和缺陷的无损检测方法. 本白皮书概述了检验方法及其对材料审批的好处.
Industrial Computed Tomography
im体育APP提供高分辨率工业计算机断层扫描,以提供可用于生产缺陷检测的组件的详细检查, dimensional inspection, and reverse engineering.
Radiographic 检查 (RT)
元件有能力执行传统胶片射线摄影计算和数字射线摄影, 一种高灵敏度的方法,可以产生在任何笔记本电脑或计算机上都可以看到的数字格式的图像.
Eddy Current 测试 (ET)
涡流技术通常用于各种金属结构的无损检测和状态监测, including heat exchanger tubes, aircraft fuselage, and aircraft structural 组件s.
Liquid Penetrant 检查 (LPI)
LPI具有能够检测非金属和非铁磁性材料缺陷的优点,也是最便携的表面检测方法之一, allowing us to conduct a comprehensive onsite penetrant inspection.
Magnetic Particle 检查 (MPI)
磁粉探伤是对铁磁性材料(如铸件)最快速、最具成本效益的无损检测方法之一, 焊接件, 锻件, machined or stamped 部分s. im体育APP使用便携式设备和实验室内检查对重达12的大型组件进行现场评估,000磅.
Ultrasonic 测试 (UT)
我们的检查员使用超声波波形通过材料来检测缺陷,并提供完整的体积检查. Contact testing, 相控阵和浸泡技术可用于复杂的几何部件,否则可能无法进行完整的体积检查.
Non Destructive Hardness 测试
元件支持多种便携式和非破坏性硬度测试方法. Methods such as UCI (Ultrasonic Contact Impedance), TIV (Through Indenter Viewing), 对回弹法(Leeb)的改进为具有复杂几何形状的大型部件的硬度验证提供了关键的解决方案.
Dimensional 检查
For projects that require accurate dimensional measurements, im体育APP offers a broad range of 2D and 3D metrology services.
NDT Field 服务
When employed at critical stages of the manufacturing or fabrication process, 我们的NDE技术人员在现场工作,以优化生产并确保您的成品质量.